How much is a yorkie puppy?


When it comes to choosing a furry companion, few breeds are as enchanting and lovable as the Yorkshire Terrier, or Yorkie for short. These pint-sized pups with their silky coats and endearing personalities have captured the hearts of dog lovers around the world. However, before you bring a Yorkie puppy into your home, it's essential to understand the costs associated with owning one. In this article, we'll delve into the world of Yorkie puppies, exploring their price range, factors affecting their cost, and essential considerations for potential pet parents.

The Price Range of Yorkie Puppies

1. Average Cost

Yorkshire Terrier puppies come with a price tag that can vary significantly. On average, you can expect to pay between $1,200 and $3,000 for a Yorkie puppy However, keep in mind that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

2. Factors Influencing Price

Breeder Reputation

The reputation of the breeder plays a significant role in determining the cost of a Yorkie puppy. Reputable breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs may charge more for their puppies.


Yorkies with impressive pedigrees, which showcase their lineage and potential show quality, tend to cost more than those without such lineage documentation.

Coat Color and Quality

The color and quality of a Yorkie's coat can also affect its price. Rare colors and flawless coats may command a higher price.


In some cases, female Yorkies may be more expensive than males, especially if they are spayed or come with breeding rights.


Younger Yorkie puppies are generally more expensive than older ones. Puppies are usually sold at eight to twelve weeks of age.

3. Initial Expenses

Vaccinations and Health Checkups

Upon bringing your Yorkie puppy home, you'll need to budget for initial vaccinations and health checkups. These are essential to ensure your pup's well-being.


You'll also need to invest in supplies such as a crate, leash, collar, food bowls, and grooming tools.

4. Ongoing Expenses

Food and Grooming

Yorkies have specific dietary needs, and their long, silky coats require regular grooming, which can add to your monthly expenses.

Training and Socialization

Proper training and socialization are crucial for Yorkies. Consider enrolling in obedience classes or hiring a professional trainer.

5. Unexpected Costs

Emergency Vet Visits

Like all pets, Yorkies may experience unexpected health issues. Be prepared for emergency vet visits and potential medical expenses.


Owning a Yorkie puppy can be a rewarding experience, but it comes with financial responsibilities. The initial cost of purchasing a Yorkie is just the beginning; ongoing expenses for their care and well-being should also be factored into your budget. By understanding the factors influencing the price of Yorkie puppies and being prepared for the associated costs, you can provide a happy and healthy life for your beloved furry friend.


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